Access the Manage Personal Access Tokens Page

  1. Log in to OneStream, following the flow for your configured IdP. See Login Flows.

  2. Click The icon has a dark gray background and white silhouette of a user with a white gear in the lower right corner. Identity & Access Management Portal. This icon is only visible if you have a required security role.

    TIP: To view your security roles, go to System > Administration > Security > Users > <user>. Your security groups will be listed under Group Membership > Parent Groups That Contain This User.

    The Security user configuration page has a grid with row headings that have a gray background with black text and can be expanded to display fields with a white background and black text. This example displays three groups in the Parent Groups that Contain This User field: Administrators, IdP Managers, and PATs Admin.

  3. Click the Manage Personal Access Tokens tile.

    The Identity & Access Management Home page has a square tile for each section of the portal. The tile on the left has a blue lock icon with the text Manage Personal Access Tokens in black displayed below. The tile on the right has a blue hand icon with blue gears and the text Manage Identity Providers text in black displayed below.

    This tile is only visible if you have the AccessAsNonInteractiveUser or AdministerNonInteractiveUser security role. See Required System Security Roles.

    TIP: To view the groups assigned to the AccessAsNonInteractiveUser and AdministerNonInteractiveUser roles, go to System > Administration > Security > System Security Roles. The groups assigned to these roles will be listed next to AccessAsNonInteractiveUser and AdministerNonInteractiveUser.

    The System Security Roles page has a grid with row headings that have a gray background with black text and can be expanded to display fields with a white background and black text. This example highlights two roles: AccessAsNonInteractiveUser and AdministerNonInteractiveUser. The AccessAsNonInteractiveUser role has the PATs Users group assigned to it. The AdministerNonInteractiveUser role has the PATs Admin group assigned to it.

On the Manage Personal Access Tokens page, all PATs are listed. If you have the AccessAsNonInteractiveUser security role, you can access only information about your PATs. If you have the AdministerNonInteractiveUser security role, you can access information about all user PATs. See Required System Security Roles. To see only your PATs, click the View My Tokens button. To return to the full list, click the View All Tokens button.

Information is listed for each PAT, including the username and status of the owner and the token status, expiration and created dates, and description.

The Token Status column indicates whether a PAT is Active, Revoked, or Expired. If the column displays Auto-revoked, it indicates that the PAT was expired and then automatically revoked when it was attempted to be used.

You can click on the title of each column to sort the contents in alphabetical or numerical order.

The Manage Personal Access Tokens page has a grid with each personal access token listed in a separate row. Each row for an active token includes a button with a black oval and black text that is all capitalized: REVOKE. There is an oval button in the top right corner above the grid with black text: + Create Token.

NOTE: The headings on the page include links to navigate through the Identity & Access Management Portal. For example, click Home to return to the Identity & Access Management Home.

To log out of the Identity & Access Management Portal:

  1. Click The icon has a black background with a white circle and white silhouette of a user..

  2. Click Log Out.